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Planet Antares Inc - A blog to discuss the vending solutions provided by Planet Antares.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Hygiene And Vending Machines

One of the important factors that keep your vending machines in top condition is the cleanliness or sanitation of the vending machines and surrounding areas. After the Planet Antares vending machines have been refilled, you must remove all trash, soda cases and other empty boxes from the equipment.

Also, make sure that the immediate area of the vending machine is well lighted and provided with a covered trash receptacle. It should also be protected from any overhead leakage or condensation from water, waste or sewer piping.

Mount the vending machine on a stand so that it is at least 6 inches off the deck. This will make it easier for the vending operator to clean under and around the vending machine. You also need to check that the surface of the vending machine inside or out is not sticky or dusty. The door and panel to the Planet Antares vending machine and any access opening for food should be tightly. Replacement must be done for any worn out gasket material to prevent dust or other particles from entering. Workers should be provided with adequate hand washing facilities near the vending machines.

If you have vending machines that dispense potentially hazardous food material, you must provide them with refrigeration or heating units and thermostatic controls which will ensure the maintenance of safe food temperatures. Automatic controls need to be provided to prevent the machine from vending food in the event of a power failure or a mechanical failure.

For the vending stage of a Planet Antares vending machine, a delivery chute or tube must be provided with a tight fitting self closing cover. The exteriors must be designed and fabricated to reduce the entrance of insects and rodents. Ventilation louvers must be screened for effective sanitation.

The personal hygiene of all the personnel is a must for servicing the vending machines properly. This means that they will have to wash hands at all times, not use tobacco, war clean garments, etc whenever they engage in any kind of servicing of the vending machine.

Microwave ovens are often attached to vending machines. The cavities and door edges need to be cleaned at least one a day to keep them free from grease deposits and other accumulated dust or soil. The Planet Antares vending machine operator must maintain a record of the vending machine operations at all times. These should be available at the time of inspection and need to be accurate.